Nuove Mostre

Creiamo insieme la mostra migliore per il tuo pubblico

We create successful exhibitions

We identify the needs of worldwide museums and we narrate stories through cultural and artistic contents of high quality and scientific value.

In collaboration with many of the leading museums of Italy we develop, manage and organize touring exhibitions with a “tailor-made” approach, adapting each exhibition to the needs and space of any museum or cultural institution.

We organize international tours of travelling exhibitions with Italian museums

We conceive new exhibition projects with international museums enhancing their collections worldwide.

We develop immersive and multisensory experiences for museums and non-museum institutions
Scegli le nostre mostre attualmente disponibili più adatte alle esigenze del tuo museo

Creiamo mostre di successo identificando le esigenze dei musei di tutto il mondo e raccontando storie attraverso contenuti culturali e artistici di alta qualità e valore scientifico.

We create successful exhibitions identifying the needs of worldwide museums and narrating stories through cultural and artistic contents of high quality and scientific value.

In collaboration with many of the leading museums of Italy we develop, manage and organize touring exhibitions with a “tailor-made” approach, adapting each exhibition to the needs and space of any museum or cultural institution.

We organize international tours of travelling exhibitions with Italian museums

We conceive new exhibition projects with international museums enhancing their collections worldwide.

We develop immersive and multisensory experiences for museums and non-museum institutions

Mostre Itineranti

Mostre attualmente in tour che puoi ospitare nel tuo museo. Scopri la disponibilità e cogli l’occasione per condividere costi nel tour.
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Nuovi Progetti di Mostra

Nuovi progetti di mostra che calibriamo sul tuo museo. Mostre mai realizzate prima da adattare alle tue esigenze.
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Esperienze immersive

Mostre multimediali immersive ad alto contenuto interattivo ed emotivo. Ambientazioni interamente immersive alternate a riproduzioni di opere originali.
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Our exhibitions
are characterised by:

  • Extraordinary original collections
  • Interactive and multisensory experiences
  • Curatorial excellence
  • Tailor-made approach
  • Broad portfolio dealing with different themes
  • “Italian Style” exhibition and graphic design

Past Exhibitions

For over 20+ years of experience, we have organized 200+ exhibitions in 100 museums around the world with extraordinary original artifacts from the most prestigious Italian museums like the Uffizi in Florence, the Museum Correr in Venice, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples – just to mention a few. 

Check out our full portfolio of past exhibitions.

via del Campofiore, 106 - Firenze
+39 055 6802474

    Contemporanea Progetti Srl – Via del Campofiore, 106 – 50136 Firenze – Italia – Reg. Imprese, C.F e Partita Iva: 04960390484 – Numero REA: FI – 505041 – Capitale Sociale: €. 72.858,00 i.v. – Certificazione ISO 9001:2008