Concept Budget Feasibility

We turn your idea into a successful touring exhibition

We analyse the feasibility of a new exhibition project, developing the concept, defining an artwork list and structuring a preliminary budget.

Find out all the steps we follow:

Preliminary Concept

Analysis of the museum idea and of the potential for a new touring exhibition _acapo_ Visit to the museum and to its collections _acapo_ Development of the exhibition concept and of a preliminary storytelling _acapo_ Outline of the potential lender museums to involve _acapo_ Definition of the extra contents: multimedia devices, interactives, hands-on areas

Definition of an Artwork List

Agreeing on the final artwork list _acapo_ Check of the artworks dimensions, weights and state of conservation _acapo_ Definition of peculiar conditions for the shipping and installation of the artworks

Budget of the Tour

Collecting insurance values to share with specialized fine art insurance companies _acapo_ Collecting shipping costs with specialized fine art shipping companies _acapo_ Definition of a lending fee from the lender museums involved _acapo_ Building a preliminary budget of all the services offered by CP _acapo_ Definition of the feasibility of the exhibition _acapo_ Outline of a list of potential hosting museums from CP wide museum network

Promotion of the Exhibition with CP

    Contact Us
    via del Campofiore, 106 - Firenze
    +39 055 6802474

      Contemporanea Progetti Srl – Via del Campofiore, 106 – 50136 Firenze – Italia – Reg. Imprese, C.F e Partita Iva: 04960390484 – Numero REA: FI – 505041 – Capitale Sociale: €. 72.858,00 i.v. – Certificazione ISO 9001:2008