We design a unique and engaging style for your exhibition
We manage the overall creative project of your exhibition with an “Italian Style” approach. We take care of: corporate image, graphic design, exhibition design project, multimedia project.
Find out all the steps we follow:
Contract with CP
Exhibition Concept and Path
Site inspection of the exhibition spaces _acapo_
Analysis of: facility report, showcases, lighting system _acapo_
Project of the exhibition path _acapo_
Exhibition Design and Graphic Design Project
Exhibition design and setting _acapo_
Graphic design project _acapo_
Design of multimedia devices and interactives _acapo_
Design of the catalogue _acapo_
Production and Installation of the Exhibition Design
Overall management and supervision of the exhibition productions:
exhibition design, graphic printing, multimedia, catalogue _acapo_
Management of the exhibition installation and of the technologies _acapo_
Lights positioning and general tests _acapo_
Contemporanea Progetti Srl – Via del Campofiore, 106 – 50136 Firenze – Italia – Reg. Imprese, C.F e Partita Iva: 04960390484 – Numero REA: FI – 505041 – Capitale Sociale: €. 72.858,00 i.v. – Certificazione ISO 9001:2008